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Top 10 Emerging Markets for International Job Seekers in 2023/2024

Top 10 Emerging Markets for International Job Seekers in 2023/2024

© Haradhan Sharma


The world is changing. The global economy is becoming increasingly interconnected, and emerging markets are playing an increasingly important role. These markets are home to billions of people, and they are growing rapidly. As a result, they offer a wealth of opportunities for international job seekers.

What is an emerging market?

An emerging market is a country or region with a rapidly growing economy and a relatively low per capita income. Emerging markets are often characterized by high levels of economic growth, rapid industrialization, and a young and growing population.

Why are emerging markets attractive to international job seekers?

There are many reasons why emerging markets are attractive to international job seekers. These markets offer a number of advantages, including:

  • Economic growth: Emerging markets are growing rapidly, which means that there are more job opportunities available.
  • Salaries: Salaries in emerging markets are often lower than in developed countries, which can mean that international job seekers can enjoy a higher standard of living.
  • Cost of living: The cost of living in emerging markets is often lower than in developed countries, which can save international job seekers money.
  • Opportunities to learn new languages and cultures: Emerging markets offer the opportunity to learn new languages and cultures, which can be a valuable experience.

If you are looking for a new challenge and an opportunity to grow your career, then an emerging market may be the right place for you.

Top 10 Emerging Markets for International Job Seekers in 2023/2024

The global economy is constantly changing, and new opportunities are emerging in various countries. Here are the top 10 emerging markets for international job seekers in 2023/2024 which were chosen based on a number of factors, including economic growth, job opportunities, and cost of living.  Let's take a closer look at each country's status and the job opportunities they offer :


China is the world's second-largest economy and is growing rapidly. The country is home to a large and growing middle class, creating a demand for goods and services. Job opportunities in China are particularly available in the manufacturing, technology, and services sectors.  Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Manufacturing: With a large population and a growing middle class, there is a high demand for manufactured goods.
  • Technology: China is a major player in the global tech industry, with many opportunities for software developers, engineers, and data analysts.
  • Services: The service sector is rapidly growing in China, especially in areas like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

India is the world's third-largest economy and is also growing rapidly. With a large and young population, businesses have a significant advantage. India is also a major exporter of goods and services, creating job opportunities in the manufacturing, technology, and services sectors. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Manufacturing: India is a major exporter of goods, particularly textiles and agricultural products.
  • Technology: India has a large and rapidly growing IT industry, with many opportunities for software developers, engineers, and data analysts.
  • Services: The service sector is a major driver of the Indian economy, with opportunities in areas like healthcare, finance, and education.

Brazil is the world's fifth-largest economy and is growing at a steady pace. The country has a large and growing middle class, creating a demand for goods and services. There are job opportunities in Brazil, particularly in the construction, manufacturing, and services sectors. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Construction: Brazil is investing heavily in infrastructure development, creating opportunities in areas like road, rail, and airport construction.
  • Manufacturing: Brazil is a major exporter of goods, particularly in the automotive, mining, and agricultural sectors.
  • Services: The service sector is rapidly growing in Brazil, particularly in areas like healthcare, education, and tourism.

Russia is the world's ninth-largest economy and is growing at a moderate pace. The country has a large and skilled workforce, making it a major advantage for businesses. Russia is also a major exporter of oil and gas, creating many job opportunities in the energy sector. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Energy: Russia is one of the world's leading producers of oil and gas, creating opportunities in the energy sector.
  • Manufacturing: Russia has a strong manufacturing industry, particularly in areas like heavy machinery and defense equipment.
  • Technology: Russia has a growing tech industry, with opportunities in areas like software development and data analytics.

Mexico is the world's 11th-largest economy and is growing at a steady pace. The country has a large and skilled workforce, making it a major advantage for businesses. Mexico is also a major exporter of goods and services, creating job opportunities in the manufacturing, technology, and services sectors. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Manufacturing: Mexico is a major exporter of goods, particularly in the automotive, electronics, and aerospace sectors.
  • Technology: Mexico has a growing tech industry, particularly in areas like software development and data analytics.
  • Services: The service sector is growing rapidly in Mexico, with opportunities in areas like finance, healthcare, and tourism.

Indonesia is the world's 14th-largest economy and is growing rapidly. With a large and young population, businesses have a significant advantage. Indonesia is also a major exporter of goods and services, creating job opportunities in the manufacturing, technology, and services sectors. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Manufacturing: Indonesia is a major exporter of goods, particularly in the textiles, electronics, and food and beverage sectors.
  • Technology: Indonesia has a growing tech industry, particularly in areas like e-commerce and fintech.
  • Services: The service sector is growing rapidly in Indonesia, with opportunities in areas like healthcare, education, and tourism.

Turkey is the world's 19th-largest economy and is growing at a moderate pace. The country has a large and skilled workforce, making it a major advantage for businesses. Turkey is also a major exporter of goods and services, creating job opportunities in the manufacturing, technology, and services sectors. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Manufacturing: Turkey is a major exporter of goods, particularly in the automotive, textiles, and food and beverage sectors.
  • Technology: Turkey has a growing tech industry, particularly in areas like software development and e-commerce.
  • Services: The service sector is growing rapidly in Turkey, with opportunities in areas like finance, healthcare, and tourism.
South Africa:

South Africa is the world's 24th-largest economy and is growing at a moderate pace. The country has a large and skilled workforce, making it a major advantage for businesses. South Africa is also a major exporter of goods and services, creating job opportunities in the manufacturing, technology, and services sectors. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Mining: South Africa is rich in mineral resources, creating opportunities in the mining sector.
  • Manufacturing: South Africa is a major exporter of goods, particularly in the automotive, chemicals, and food and beverage sectors.
  • Services: The service sector is growing rapidly in South Africa, with opportunities in areas like finance, healthcare, and tourism.

Nigeria is the world's 27th-largest economy and is growing rapidly. With a large and young population, businesses have a significant advantage. Nigeria is also a major exporter of oil and gas, creating many job opportunities in the energy sector. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Energy: Nigeria is a major producer of oil and gas, creating opportunities in the energy sector.
  • Manufacturing: Nigeria is a major exporter of goods, particularly in the agricultural, textiles, and food and beverage sectors.
  • Services: The service sector is growing rapidly in Nigeria, with opportunities in areas like finance, healthcare, and education.

Egypt is the world's 31st-largest economy and is growing at a moderate pace. The country has a large and skilled workforce, making it a major advantage for businesses. Egypt is also a major tourist destination, creating job opportunities in the tourism sector. Here are the opportunities by sector:

  • Tourism: Egypt is a major tourist destination, creating opportunities in the hospitality and tourism sectors.
  • Manufacturing: Egypt is a major exporter of goods, particularly in the textiles, chemicals, and food and beverage sectors.
  • Services: The service sector is growing rapidly in Egypt, with opportunities in areas like finance, healthcare, and education.

These are just a few of the many emerging markets that offer opportunities for international job seekers. If you are looking for a new challenge and an opportunity to grow your career, then consider exploring these markets. Each country has

According to the World Bank, the global economy is projected to grow by 3.6% in 2023 and 3.8% in 2024. This growth is being driven by emerging markets, which are expected to grow at an average rate of 4.4% in 2023 and 4.6% in 2024.

The following data shows the size of the labor force in some of the top emerging markets:

CountryLabor Force Size (2023)
China947 million
India463 million
Brazil108 million
Russia75 million
Mexico60 million
Indonesia134 million
Turkey67 million
South Africa29 million
Nigeria86 million
Egypt59 million

Why These Markets Are Emerging

Here are some of the reasons why these markets are emerging:

Economic growth

Emerging markets are experiencing rapid economic growth. This is due to a number of factors, including:

  • Industrialization: Many emerging markets are in the process of industrialization, which is leading to rapid economic growth.
  • Urbanization: Emerging markets are also experiencing rapid urbanization, which is leading to an increase in demand for goods and services.
  • Foreign investment: Foreign investors are increasingly investing in emerging markets, which is helping to fuel economic growth.

Technological development

Emerging markets are also experiencing rapid technological development. This is due to a number of factors, including:

  • The rise of the internet: The internet is having a major impact on emerging markets, as it is making it easier for businesses to connect with customers and for people to access information and education.
  • The development of mobile technology: Mobile technology is also having a major impact on emerging markets, as it is making it easier for people to communicate and access information.
  • The growth of the tech industry: The tech industry is growing rapidly in emerging markets, which is leading to the development of new technologies and the creation of new jobs.

Demographic trends

Emerging markets are also experiencing demographic trends that are favorable for economic growth. These trends include:

  • A young population: Many emerging markets have a young population, which means that there is a large pool of potential workers.
  • An increasing middle class: The middle class in emerging markets is growing rapidly, which means that there is an increasing demand for goods and services.
  • A growing female workforce: The female workforce in emerging markets is growing rapidly, which means that there is an increasing pool of potential workers.

These are just some of the reasons why these markets are emerging. If you are looking for a new challenge and an opportunity to grow your career, then an emerging market may be the right place for you.

How to Find a Job in an Emerging Market

There are a number of ways to find a job in an emerging market. Here are a few tips:

Online job boards

There are a number of online job boards that list jobs in emerging markets. Some of the most popular job boards include:

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies can also be a great way to find a job in an emerging market. Recruitment agencies have a network of companies that are looking for employees, and they can help you find a job that is a good fit for your skills and experience.


Networking is another great way to find a job in an emerging market. Talk to people who are already working in the market that you are interested in, and see if they can help you find a job. You can also attend industry events and conferences, and connect with people who are working in the field that you are interested in.

Here are some additional tips for finding a job in an emerging market:

  • Do your research. Before you start your job search, it is important to do your research and learn as much as you can about the country or region that you are interested in working in. This will help you to understand the culture, the economy, and the job market.
  • Be prepared to adapt. When you move to an emerging market, you will need to be prepared to adapt to a new culture and a new way of life. This can be challenging, but it is also an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Be patient. It may take some time to find a job in an emerging market. Don't get discouraged if you don't find a job right away. Keep your skills up-to-date, and keep networking. With a little patience and perseverance, you will eventually find the right job for you.

Tips for Succeeding in an Emerging Market

Here are some tips for succeeding in an emerging market:

Learn the local language

Learning the local language is one of the most important things you can do to succeed in an emerging market. This will help you to communicate with your colleagues, customers, and suppliers. It will also help you to understand the culture and the way of life.

Be prepared for culture shock

Moving to an emerging market can be a culture shock. It is important to be prepared for this. Do your research and learn as much as you can about the culture of the country or region that you are moving to. This will help you to adjust to your new surroundings and make the most of your experience.

Be flexible and adaptable

Things don't always go according to plan in emerging markets. It is important to be flexible and adaptable. Be prepared to change your plans and to go with the flow. This will help you to succeed in a challenging environment.

Here are some additional tips for succeeding in an emerging market:

  • Be respectful of the local culture.
  • Be patient. It takes time to adjust to a new culture.
  • Be open-minded. Be willing to try new things and to learn about the local culture.
  • Be positive. A positive attitude will help you to overcome challenges and to make the most of your experience.


The future of work is global. Emerging markets are growing rapidly, and they offer a wealth of opportunities for international job seekers. With a little planning and preparation, you can succeed in an emerging market.

Here are a few final thoughts:

  • Do your research. Before you move to an emerging market, it is important to do your research and learn as much as you can about the country or region that you are interested in working in. This will help you to understand the culture, the economy, and the job market.
  • Be prepared to adapt. When you move to an emerging market, you will need to be prepared to adapt to a new culture and a new way of life. This can be challenging, but it is also an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Be patient. It may take some time to find a job in an emerging market. Don't get discouraged if you don't find a job right away. Keep your skills up-to-date, and keep networking. With a little patience and perseverance, you will eventually find the right job for you.

I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you are thinking about working in an emerging market, I encourage you to do your research and to be prepared for the challenges and rewards of working in a new and exciting environment.


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